June 18, 2015
10:00 am / 11:00 am
The Hall
Yoga is every body! Build strength, be flexible and cultivate mindfulness. Bring your mat and blanket. Children welcome – they can play while you play.
June 18, 2015
10:00 am / 11:00 am
The Hall
Yoga is every body! Build strength, be flexible and cultivate mindfulness. Bring your mat and blanket. Children welcome – they can play while you play.
Craft group in the supper room only, Rest of hall is available for hire, Contact bookings (see below)
Supper Room
Jindivick Hall – Spring Clean & Working Bee The hall committee is giving the hall a spring clean and having a working […]
Hall Booking
Dianne Hamilton
Phone Number:
0474 755 439
What do you want to book?
Full Hall (all facilities and surrounds)
For when and how long? Include any other relevant information.
24th June 2017
Access 10am – 1am _
Family/friend celebration.
Dianne will arrange booking via the ph.
Dianne does not have access to computer nor does she direct deposit.
Pls encourage payment (cash) via the shop or She will delivered cash to Mary-Royce
1/2 day = $120? Paid for Full Day/event of $240 Received cash of $250 on 31/05/17 from Mary – updated the booking to all day and final colour