EPA Meeting re Knackery (Full Hall)

RSVP Required: 0413 442 418 or pcwarenycia@bigpond.com

September 3, 2015

6:00 pm



As many of you will know, a new application is currently before council to build a Knackery at 32 Beattie Road, Jindivick. The applicant has also applied to the EPA for Works Approval and as part of that assessment members of the public were able to make a formal submission for consideration in this matter.


Following the review of submissions a community conference will be conducted under Section 20B of the Environment Protection Act 1970. The purpose of the conference is to ensure EPA has a full understanding of the concerns of the local community regarding Yarra Valley Stock Removers’ proposal. The conference will provide the opportunity:

  • for EPA to present a summary update on the works approval application and assessment process
  • to present a summary of the issues raised in submissions
  • for attendees to elaborate on and/or clarify issues of concern, to ensure they are fully considered
  • for the applicant to clarify details of the proposed works and to explain how the concerns may be addressed
  • to resolve the issues and concerns of parties that have made submissions.

Chaired and run by an independent facilitator, the key outcome of the conference will be a report (produced by the independent facilitator) that will document the key issues and possible solutions raised in written submissions and at the conference. The report, which will be made available online, will be taken into consideration by EPA as part as its assessment of Yarra Valley Stock Removers’ application.

No decision regarding the application will be made at the conference.

This meeting is open to all the community and will be held at the Jindivick Mechanics Hall, 6pm till 8.30pm on Thursday Sept 3, 2015. The EPA require a registration of intent to attend so please contact us no later than Wednesday morning via email pcwarenycia@bigpond.com or Ph: 0413 442 418 if you wish to attend.